
Levitate Film was founded in 2018 by Alain de Levita, Paula van der Oest, and Mark van Eeuwen as an independent production house for film and television fiction. Within the company, the most experienced and award-winning creators collaborate to develop high-quality film and television drama, as well as compelling content for both the local and international markets

Films like "Berenklauw," "Stomboli," and the successful film "Slag om de Schelde" have all been produced by Levitate Film. These films represent the pursuit of quality and impact that Levitate Film aims for in the film industry. "Berenklauw" and "Stomboli" offer unique stories and visual experiences, while "Slag om de Schelde" highlights an important historical moment with impressive cinematography and acting. Levitate Film continues to dedicate itself to producing films that resonate both locally and internationally.
